

by Franco De Bonisin Online Marketing 0 Comment(s)

As Kool & The Gang told us, “there’s a party going on right here…”, and it’s true. Social Media is the party and all your customers and potential customers have turned up and are having fun. So what type of person are you when it comes to engaging in social media?

1. The Person Who Doesn’t Turn Up

‘Social media won’t work for my business’, ‘I don’t understand social media’, ‘Sure it’s just a waste of time’, etc. I’ve heard it all and guess what? You’re wrong. That’s like saying ‘Hey, there are all my customers standing there in one place; the best thing to do is ignore them and they’ll come running’. Nope! Have a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed up and go to the damn party!

2. The Person That Made A Lot Of Noise When They First Arrived, But Are Now Asleep On The Sofa

If there’s one bit of advice about going to parties that I’ll take to my grave – it’s ‘pace yourself’! Enjoy the night and don’t overdo it with food, drink or anything else.

Social media is a journey not a race and if you run out of steam, then just like a party, you’ll be wasting the night and all the hard work you did to get ready for it.

3. The Boring Person That Just Talks And Talks About Himself

We have all been stuck with the person who is so self-obsessed that you literally want to swallow a peanut the wrong way so the paramedics will take you away from him/her. Don’t be that person on your social media accounts. Mix it up a bit, ask questions, share useful information, make them laugh. Sure, you can tell them about your week/day and the amazing things you’ve done, but don’t forget that conversations are two-way.

4. The Person Who Talks Rubbish Or Is Outrageous Just To Be Liked/Noticed

Let me be very clear about this. If your idea of social media engagement is just pictures of cute cats or crazy outrageous posts about why Justin Bieber should be sent to Mars (which he should by the way), then at best you are going to attract the wrong type of ‘friends’ and at worst you are going to alienate those that you really want to attract.

You can be funny and quirky, but make sure they see your real side too.

5. The Person That’s Just There For A One-Night Stand

Don’t be a stalker. Of course all businesses get involved in social media to basically ‘pull’ customers, but be subtle about it. Everyone likes to be wooed and swept off their feet. Nobody likes to be greeted with a French-kiss the first time they meet.

So be nice, grow your friendship and before you know it you’ll have more customers than you could ever have imagined.

6. The Person That Sits At The Edge Of The Party And Interjects Occasionally

You know the guy. You’re having a great conversation, then from across the table/room this guy says something half-relevant that completely derails the flow of the conversation. And he just keeps doing it!

Don’t be that guy. Nobody knows how to deal with it and they don’t like it and eventually they’ll stop inviting you to the parties.

7. The Person That’s The Life & Soul Of The Party

There’s a person at every party who does it right, who everyone likes, makes everyone they speak to feel at ease and laugh. Who says and does all the right things. How do they do it?

They don’t ‘work’ at it, they are just themselves. They are natural and engaged in everyone around them. They care and share. Above all, they show none of the traits of the previous 6 personas.

Have fun at the party.

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